Sunday, March 30, 2014

Use a Model to Divide a Whole Number By a Fraction

Divide whole numbers by unit fractions using a model

In this lesson you will learn to divide whole numbers by fractions using a model.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Silly Words

Silly Words Freebie!

Silly words are used to engage students while learning. Students are to reenact the action word that is on the card while speaking. Silly words can be used for counting, reading, vocabulary words, high frequency words, and spelling words. Silly words can be used on a variety of other activities as well.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dreaming About Numbers

I have been working on this number unit and in the process I get the little songs stuck in my head. I guess that it is good the songs are catchy. My kinders just love the songs. This is a really fun unit that involves hands on games and fun songs.

Here is the link to my Teachers Notebook Shop

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rick Morris Seminar

I had the opportunity to go to a seminar taught by Rick Morris, and I learned many ideas that I want to use. Here are my top three.

Class Discussions: When asking for students to give you their answers, don’t give them a yes or no response. When the teacher says yes, then all discussion is over and other students who wanted to share didn’t get to. When a teacher says no to a response, then the student who was told no is reluctant to share next time. A simple fix to this is just say thanks to all of the responses. Once everyone has shared, then explain the right answer. No one gets their feelings hurt or is embarrassed and everyone gets to be involved. Yes!

Music: Music can be used to make the classroom environment more organized and interesting. Music can be used to let students know if it is time to clean up, how long they have to clean, or a signal to go to the carpet.  Imagine it’s time to clean up. All you do is push play and a song starts to play. Students start cleaning. By the time that song is over the desks are cleared off and students are in their seats. Sounds wonderful because it is. This will take some practice, but it is a great tool!

Sign Language: Use sign language to communicate. Instead of having students raise their hand, have them use sign language to tell you if they have a question, comment, or answer. Here are a few signs. There are more sign language cards at

Friday, September 14, 2012

Tomorrow I get to go to a training that is being taught by ,Rick Morris, my favorite author for classroom management. Check out his site